Acropolis Hello World

Yesterday I gave Orcas Visual Studio 2008 beta 1 another try. At first, when it came out, I deleted it, due to free hard disc space shortage, and it’s annoying errors. I actually downloaded it (which took me almost entire day on my 1.5Mb wire) solely to play with new Acropolis bits. I don’t have anything interesting to share yet, since I finished installation and VM Setup quite late, but I must say that my first impression is very nice. I’m a little bit confused by the Visual Studio Designer, that is like nothing I know from CAB and SCSF, but except for that I noticed many similarities. I’ll play a little bit more with it when I’m back from work. In the meanwhile, If you want to get started with Acropolis, you can find links to many good sources at Brad Adam’s blog. He has links to nice sample RSS reader application.

I think that Acropolis is THE think that will make me finally want to learn this whole XAML thing.

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