Testing conventions

I already blogged about the topic of validating conventions in the past (here and here). Doing this has been a fantastic way of keeping consistency across codebases I’ve worked on, and several of my colleagues at Readify adopted this approach with great success.

Recently I found myself using this approach even more often and in scenarios I didn’t think about initially. Take this two small tests I wrote today for Windsor.

public class ConventionVerification
	public void Obsolete_members_of_kernel_are_in_sync()
		var message = new StringBuilder();
		var kernelMap = typeof(DefaultKernel).GetInterfaceMap(typeof(IKernel));
		for (var i = 0; i < kernelMap.TargetMethods.Length; i++)
			var interfaceMethod = kernelMap.InterfaceMethods[i];
			var classMethod = kernelMap.TargetMethods[i];
			Scan(interfaceMethod, classMethod, message);

		Assert.IsEmpty(message.ToString(), message.ToString());

	public void Obsolete_members_of_windsor_are_in_sync()
		var message = new StringBuilder();
		var kernelMap = typeof(WindsorContainer).GetInterfaceMap(typeof(IWindsorContainer));
		for (var i = 0; i < kernelMap.TargetMethods.Length; i++)
			var interfaceMethod = kernelMap.InterfaceMethods[i];
			var classMethod = kernelMap.TargetMethods[i];
			Scan(interfaceMethod, classMethod, message);

		Assert.IsEmpty(message.ToString(), message.ToString());

	private void Scan(MethodInfo interfaceMethod, MethodInfo classMethod, StringBuilder message)
		var obsolete = EnsureBothHave<ObsoleteAttribute>(interfaceMethod, classMethod, message);
		if (obsolete.Item3)
			if (obsolete.Item1.IsError != obsolete.Item2.IsError)
				message.AppendLine(string.Format("Different error levels for {0}", interfaceMethod));
			if (obsolete.Item1.Message != obsolete.Item2.Message)
				message.AppendLine(string.Format("Different message for {0}", interfaceMethod));
				message.AppendLine(string.Format("\t interface: {0}", obsolete.Item1.Message));
				message.AppendLine(string.Format("\t class    : {0}", obsolete.Item2.Message));
		var browsable = EnsureBothHave<EditorBrowsableAttribute>(interfaceMethod, classMethod, message);
			if (browsable.Item3 == false)
				message.AppendLine(string.Format("EditorBrowsable not applied to {0}", interfaceMethod));
			if (browsable.Item1.State != browsable.Item2.State || browsable.Item2.State != EditorBrowsableState.Never)
				message.AppendLine(string.Format("Different/wrong browsable states for {0}", interfaceMethod));

	private static Tuple<TAttribute, TAttribute, bool> EnsureBothHave<TAttribute>(MethodInfo interfaceMethod, MethodInfo classMethod, StringBuilder message)
		where TAttribute : Attribute
		var fromInterface = interfaceMethod.GetAttributes<TAttribute>().SingleOrDefault();
		var fromClass = classMethod.GetAttributes<TAttribute>().SingleOrDefault();
		var bothHaveTheAttribute = true;
		if (fromInterface != null)
			if (fromClass == null)
				message.AppendLine(string.Format("Method {0} has {1} on the interface, but not on the class.", interfaceMethod, typeof(TAttribute)));
				bothHaveTheAttribute = false;
			if (fromClass != null)
				message.AppendLine(string.Format("Method {0} has {1}  on the class, but not on the interface.", interfaceMethod, typeof(TAttribute)));
			bothHaveTheAttribute = false;
		return Tuple.Create(fromInterface, fromClass, bothHaveTheAttribute);

All they do is ensure that whenever I obsolete a method on the container, I do that consistently between the interface and the class that implements it (setting the same warning message, and the same warning/error flag state). It also validates that I hide the obsolete method from Intellisense for people who have the option enabled in their Visual Studio.

Those are kinds of things, that are important, but they neither cause a compiler error, or compiler warning, nor do they fail at runtime. Those are kinds of things you can validate in a test. Those are small things that make a big difference, and having a comprehensive battery of tests for conventions in your application, can greatly improve confidence and morale of the team.