How to get an image given its URL

Form with loaded image
While cleaning old temporary projects, I usually create to test some feature, I found one, that I think may me useful, so i decided to post it here.

It’s a program I created some time ago, when i needed to download a image, from given URL and display it, or save. Here is the simplest solution to do this.

WebClient c = new WebClient();
byte[] b = c.DownloadData(textBox1.Text);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(b))
    Bitmap i = new Bitmap(ms);
    panel1.BackgroundImage = i;
panel1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center;

Krypton Screencasts

Component Factory, makers of free Krypton Toolkit (very nice set of WinForm controls), created several good quickstart screencats showing how to use those controls (here). Worth checking, screencasts as well as Krypton Toolkit



This is just a test message to test that everything is fine, blog engine is set up correctly and works.