Search Results: “ioc”

31 results were found.

Approval testing – value for the money

I am a believer in the value of testing. However not all tests are equal, and actually not all tests provide value at all. Raise your hand if you’ve ever seen (unit) tests that tested every corner case of trivial piece of code that’s used once in a blue moon in an obscure part of […]

API design challenge – builder

Now that Windsor 3 is released I can concentrate on some of my other ideas and projects. While working on one of them, called Cartographer, I encountered an interesting API design problem.   I have a class (a builder to be precise) that has a task of setting up a central object (an IMapper implementation) […]

What’s new in Windsor 3: Service Locator usage detection

As we’re nearing the release date of Castle Windsor 3.0 (codename Wawel) I will be blogging about some of the new features and improvements introduced in the new version. One of the features that were introduced in current version 2.5 was support for debugger diagnostic views in Windsor. In Wawel one of the improvements is […]


If you’re organising a conference (anywhere in the world), and would like me to speak, feel free to contact me. Here are video and slides from some of the talks I’ve given. NDC 2012 – Beyond the compiler: going up to 11 with conventions in a statically typed language Slides Video (hosted on NDC […]

About Me

I currently live in Melbourne, Australia, where I work at Sage AI. I used to contribute to few open source projects. In particular Castle Project, concentrating mostly on Dynamic Proxy, Windsor IoC container. Windsor tips and building applications backed by a container were probably the most common theme on this blog. If you’d like to […]

New Castle Windsor feature – debugger diagnostics

What you’re seeing here, is a feature in very early stages of development. It’s very likely to change in the very near future, hopefully based on your feedback which I’m looking forward to. It is often the case with IoC containers, especially when registering components by convention, that you end up with misconfigured components, or […]

How I use Inversion of Control containers – pulling from the container

As I expected my previous post prompted a few questions regarding the Three Container Calls pattern I outlined. Major one of them is how to handle the following scenario: We create our container, install all the components in it.  Moments later we resolve the root component, container goes and creates its entire tree of dependencies […]

How I use Inversion of Control containers

Quite regularly I get asked by people how they should use IoC container in their application. I don’t think I can answer this question once and universally because every application is different, every application has different needs and every application has different opportunities for leveraging an Inversion of Control container. However there are some general […]

Castle Windsor and child containers: Revolutions

Continuing the topic from the previous posts. What would happen? Current behavior of Windsor is somewhat flawed. What it will do is it will resolve foo, and provide it with bar. The flaw of this behavior is that now when we resolve foo via any of the tree containers we’ll  get the same instance (since […]

Build your conventions

Continuing the theme of conventions in code; I talked about validating the conventions, but I didn’t touch upon one more basic issue. What to base the conventions on? Short answer is – anything you like (as long as it’s black). Long answer is, well – longer. Strong typed nature of .NET gives us rich set […]