Tag: scratchpad

Testing framework is not just for writing… tests

Quick question – from the top of your head, without running the code, what is the result of:

var foo = -00.053200000m; 
var result = foo.ToString("##.##");

Or a different one:

var foo = "foo"; 
var bar = "bar"; 
var foobar = "foo" + "bar"; 
var concaternated = new StringBuilder(foo).Append(bar).ToString(); 

var result1 = AreEqual(foobar, concaternated); 
var result2 = Equals(foobar, concaternated);

public static bool AreEqual(object one, object two) 
    return one == two; 

How about this one from NHibernate?

var parent = session.Get<Parent>(1); 


var result = NHibernateUtil.IsInitialized(parent.Child);

The point being?

Well, if you can answer all of the above without running the code, we’re hiring. I don’t, and I suspect most people don’t either. That’s fine. Question is – what are you going to do about it? What do you do when some 3rd party library, or part of standard library exhibits unexpected behaviour? How do you go about learning if what you think should happen, is really what does happen?


I’ve seen people open up Visual Studio, create ConsoleApplication38, write some code using the API in question including plenty of Console.WriteLine along the way (curse whoever decided Client Profile should be the default for Console applications, switch to full .NET profile) compile, run and discard the code. And then repeat the process with ConsoleApplication39 next time.


The solution I’m using feels a bit more lightweight, and has worked for me well over the years. It is very simple – I leverage my existing test framework and test runner. I create an empty test fixture called Scratchpad.



This class gets committed to the VCS repository. That way every member of the team gets their own scratchpad to play with and validate their theories, ideas and assumptions. However, as the name implies, this all is a one-off throwaway code. After all, you don’t really need to test the BCL. One would hope Microsoft already did a good job at that.

If you’re using git, you can easily tell it not to track changes to the file, by running the following command (after you commit the file):

git update-index –assume-unchanged Scratchpad.cs


With this simple set up you will have quick place to validate your assumptions (and answer questions about API behaviour) with little friction.


So there you have it, a new, useful technique in your toolbelt.