Point point one release for Windsor and Castle.Core

Exactly one month after release 2.5.0 we released first minor update to this release for Windsor and Castle.Core. It contains some minor improvements and fixes for issues that were identified after the 2.5 release. Complete changelog for Windsor contains 20 items, and 9 for Castle.Core, including single breaking change, which is deletion of web logger so that Castle.Core has no dependency on System.Web and we no longer need to provide two versions for .NET 4 (one with Client profile support, and one with full profile).

There’s one relatively major feature in the release that you should be aware of – debugger views in Windsor were extended with detection of potential lifestyle mismatches. When you step over your configured container in the debugger the following item may now appear in the list:


This lets you detect situations where you have a singleton component that depends on a transient or per-web-request component, which is usually a bug (although there are rare cases when singleton depending on transient is a valid solution).

In addition to the list, the Description will give you… well – description of the situation:


Notice that this is only a helper and due to dynamic nature of Windsor it can only detect a statically known subset of possible dependencies. As such you should not assume that if the feature does not detect any issues there aren’t any.

You can download the projects from Sourceforge as usual:


João P. Bragança says:

One of the biggest PITAs for me in windsor was the inability to drill down to the handler to figure out what was going wrong with my dependency graph. This will help out a lot with that. Thanks for your hard work!

scooletz says:

I was re-reading a few of your posts about last release of the Castle project, but this _debugger_view_proxy_ thing astonished me. What an excellent feature! BTW, I do prefer a unity container 😉