After successful beta and RC releases final version of Castle Windsor (as well as Castle Core, and a whole set of facilities) has now been released. There are no major changes between final version and RC. The difference is some minor bug fixes, improved exception messages and some small improvements all over the place.
The packages are available now, on Nuget (with symbols), and via standard .zip download.
Last but not least – thank you to everyone who downloaded beta and release candidate and provided feedback. You guys rock.
Great work mate! I have a lot of catching-up to do 🙂
good work, thanks!
thanks man
Great work. I can’t wait to play with new features! Thanks a lot for your effort.
Castle.Core.dll in both folder net40 and net40-client is “for .NET Client profile” according to its description. Is this correct?
Nope. Core has only Client Profile version
[…] that Windsor 3 is released I can concentrate on some of my other ideas and projects. While working on one of them, called […]
does this support nested generics?