Category: Castle

Making Asynchronous WCF calls without SvcUtil

On the course of last few months, I’ve been working with Craig Neuwirt, on what I consider one of the coolest additions to Castle WCF Integration Facility.


As you probably know by default all WCF calls are synchronous – you make a request, under the cover WCF blocks your thread using a WaitHandle waiting for response, then it unblocks your threads making it look like a local call. This makes things simple for a programmer, who does not have to deal with synchronization, but it’s an overkill from scalability and performance perspective.

There are also one way calls, often mistakenly called ‘fire and forget’ which are still synchronous, but return control to your thread as soon as they get confirmation from the other end that message was received.

There are also actual asynchronous calls, but to take advantage of this you have to either use svcutil to generate your code, or build asynchronous versions of your contracts manually, which is tedious, forces you to remember quite a lot details about how asynchronous contracts should look like, and there’s no way compiler will tell you your sync and async contracts are out of sync (no pun intended).


Using trunk version of WCF Facility you can take advantage of a new mechanism that lets you perform asynchronous WCF calls having just the synchronous contract. Let me show you an example.


Contract project holds the service contract that both client and service share:

public interface IMyService
    string MyOperation(string message);

Notice there’s no asynchronous version of the operation.

Service project contains only simple implementation of the contract plus console host.

[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerSession)]
public class MyService : IMyService
    public string MyOperation(string message)
        Console.WriteLine("Called non one way operation... with " + message);
        Console.WriteLine("Done calculating");
        return message.ToUpperInvariant();

It uses Thread.Sleep to simulate some lengthy operation, so that we can actually see that client does not wait for the end of the operation.

The service host uses WCF Facility to configure the service:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        using (StartService())
    private static IWindsorContainer StartService()
        return new WindsorContainer()
                        new DefaultServiceModel().AddEndpoints(
                                .BoundTo(new NetTcpBinding())

Client project is even simpler:

class Program
    static void Main()
        var container = ConfigureContainer();
        var client = container.Resolve<IMyService>("operations");
        for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Asking: " + i);
                s => s.MyOperation("Operation for " + i.ToString()),
                asyncCall => Console.WriteLine(asyncCall.End()),
    private static WindsorContainer ConfigureContainer()
        var container = new WindsorContainer();
                .ActAs(new DefaultClientModel
                               Endpoint = WcfEndpoint.
                                   BoundTo(new NetTcpBinding()).
        return container;

It configures Windsor container and WCF Facility, then it obtains client proxy for the service (again, synchronous contract) and uses some WCF Facility magic to perform calls asynchronously. Let’s run it and see:


As you can see, on the client we first issued all 10 requests, then we gradually received responses from the server.

So how do I use it?


As you can see in the code above, instead of calling MyOperation directly on proxy I used BeginWcfCall extension method from WCF Facility and passed there a delegate with invocation of the method, plus two more arguments. The second and third arguments can be either AsyncCallback, and object, like in standard .NET async pattern, or (as in my example) IWcfAsyncCall<T> (or it’s non-generic version for methods that don’t return any value).


IWcfAsyncCall itself inherits from IAsyncResult and adds convenience methods to end async invocation. The overload with out arguments are there to handle methods that have ref or out arguments. Yes – this means you can use that also for methods with out and ref arguments. One more noteworthy feature is usage of SynchronisationContext, which means it’s safe to update WinForms/WPF GUI from the end operation thread.

The code is available now, take it, use it, tell us what you think.

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Castle Dynamic Proxy tutorial part XII: caching

This is part twelve of my tutorial on Castle Dynamic Proxy.

If you’ve been following the tutorial, you should remember that Castle Dynamic Proxy provides proxying capabilities by generating types at runtime. Dynamic code generation is not a lightweight operation, so pretty important aspect of Dynamic Proxy is its caching mechanism which we’ll going to cover in this post.

Let’s consider the following piece of a test:

var proxy1 = generator.CreateClassProxy<Foo>(new FooInterceptor());
var proxy2 = generator.CreateClassProxy<Foo>(new BarInterceptor(), new FooInterceptor());
Assert.AreEqual(proxy1.GetType(), proxy2.GetType());

Will it succeed? The answer is – yes. In this simple case both proxies would be semantically identical, so generator (or more precisely IProxyBuilder that the generator is using) caches the type that has been used during the first call. During the second call it checks the cache to see if a type meeting it’s criteria already exists, it finds it, so it skips the generation part and moves straight into creating the instance.


What is taken into consideration when Dynamic Proxy decides if a type can be reused or not?

  • proxy target type obviously. We were creating two proxies for Foo, so the type could be reused. if the other type was proxy for Bar, it would not be able to reuse proxy of Foo, so a new type would be created.
  • additional interfaces to proxy. If we decided that the second proxy should also implement an IBar the first type would not be reused, since it would not implement the interface, so a new type would be created.
  • type of proxy target object. If we were creating interface proxy with target, and one implementation would be of type Foo, and the other of type Bar, a new type would be created. Does this feel counterintuitive? We’re creating interface proxy so why should implementer type be taken into account, right? Well, recall from the previous part, that additional interfaces are implemented differently depending on whether the target object implements them or not, hence it is important and proxy type could not be reused among different ones.
  • proxy generation options. They obviously affect proxy generation so it’s natural that when they differ a new type needs to be created. Here’s which elements of proxy generation options affect caching
    • proxy generation hook. They affect which methods get proxies, and which not, so if for two proxy generation options hooks are different, cached type will not be reused.
    • mixin types. Logical, same types, cached type can be reused.
    • interceptor selector. Newer versions of DynamicProxy (2.5+) only care if it’s present or not. Older versions look at Equals/GetHashCode
    • base type for interface proxy. The default is System.Object. However if you changed it, a new type would have to be generated for a new proxy obviously.


As you can see there are quite a few ingredients that affect caching. There are few things you can make to improve your usage of cached types and decrease number of types that would have to be generated.

When you provide proxy generation hook, (or interceptor selector if you’re using Dynamic Proxy older than 2.5) always override Equals and GetHashCode methods. The default implementation compare referential equality which in most cases is not what you’d want. Two selectors, or hooks may expose exactly the same behavior, but if the type does not override equality methods to tell that fact to the outside world they will be considered different.


If instead of the code above we had this:

var proxy1 = generator1.CreateClassProxy<Foo>(new FooInterceptor());
var proxy2 = generator2.CreateClassProxy<Foo>(new BarInterceptor(), new FooInterceptor());
Assert.AreEqual(proxy1.GetType(), proxy2.GetType());

Notice we now generate each proxy with different generator, would the types be the same? The answer is – it depends.

As I said, generator uses IProxyBuilder which provides it with proxy types. Builder uses ModuleScope which manages the cache. So if the two generators had the same ModuleScope behind them the answer would be yet – we would get the same type. However if they had different scope each generator would produce its own type.

This is important to understand, but in real life you’ll probably need just one proxy generator anyway, hence all the proxies would be created in the same scope, which usually is the best option.

Castle Dynamic Proxy tutorial part XI: When one interface is not enough

This is part eleven of my tutorial on Castle Dynamic Proxy.

So far in the tutorial we’ve covered most of the basics. However, we were always proxying just one type, be it a class or an interface. There is quite often a need to do more. What if a class implements more than one interface, and we want them all proxied? What if we want the proxy to implement interfaces the target type does not implement. Today we’ll talk about how to do just that, so let’s get straight to it.

If you look into the API you may notice that for every kind of proxy there are overloads that take array of types called additionalInterfacesToProxy.


This is your gateway into extending your proxy with additional capabilities. However, as simple as it may seem, there are few things you should be aware of when using additional interfaces.

Class which does not implement the interface

Let’s start with simple example of class proxy.

public void ClassProxy_should_implement_additional_interfaces()
	object proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy(
		new[] {typeof(ISupportsInvalidation)},
		new InvalidationInterceptor());


The actual implementation of EnsurePartnerStatusRole is not important right now, what’s important is that it does not implement the ISupportsInvalidation interface. The tests passes however, so the resulting proxy does implement it (hooray!). How do you think that interface gets implemented?

If you remember interface proxies without target that would be basically it. You get an empty stub of a method, and you more or less have to use interceptors to fill it with logic. Since there is no target the last interceptor in the pipeline must not call invocation.Proceed() since there’s no actual implementation we could proceed to.

Class which implements the interface

What if the type did implement the interface? Let’s see another test.

public void ClassProxy_for_class_already_implementing_additional_interfaces()
	object proxy = generator.CreateClassProxy(
		new[] {typeof(ISupportsInvalidation)});
	Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => (proxy as ISupportsInvalidation).Invalidate());

Notice we didn’t provide any interceptor, so if the proxy does not forward the call to the ApplyDiscountRule’ implementation the second assert will fail. So will the test pass?

The answer is – it will not. We still get a method without target. This is surprising (I am surprised), as this is probably not what most of you would expect. I actually think this is an omission and it is likely going to change so that the test would pass but anyway, it’s good to keep it in mind in order to avoid bugs.

This obviously works precisely the same way for interface proxy without target, but what about interface proxy with target?

Interface proxy with target

Let’s see a test:

public void InterfaceProxy_should_implement_additional_interfaces()
	object proxy = generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(
		new[] {typeof(ISupportsInvalidation)},
		new ApplyDiscountRule());
	Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => (proxy as ISupportsInvalidation).Invalidate());

We obviously need the ApplyDiscountRule type to implement IClientRule interface, but what about ISupportInvalidation? Notice that for this test also we didn’t pass any interceptor. So will the second assert succeed?

The answer is… well not that obvious to everyone so pay attention – it depends. Actually the first answer is pretty straightforward – it does not have to implement the additional interface, but the second one depends on whether it does or not.

If it does, then the dynamic proxy will pick it up and use that as target. Calls to members of ISupportsInvalidation will be no different than calls to members of IClientRule. If it does not, we’re back in square A – we have no implementation to forward to so we need to delegate that responsibility to interceptors. This is probably what most people would expect anyway. There’s one thing, which although not really related to Dynamic Proxy could create some confusion.

We pass a target object to the method and it’s the actual type of the object that gets examined for presence of additional interfaces, even if you would pass it around via reference to it’s base type which does not implement the interface, still if the actual type does implement it, it would be used as target.

Interface proxy with target interface

What about the last kind of proxy we have?

In case our target does not implement the additional interface we get the same behavior as in every other case. In case it does however, we surprisingly get this:


Surprised? Well – don’t be because it’s not a bug – it’s a feature! Let me walk you through:

Remember that in case of interface proxy with target an interceptor can change the target during the invocation. Also since the actual target of the proxy is the main interface, dynamic proxy does not examine the object passed as target for presence of any of the additional interfaces. It would make no sense, since you can swap it out anyway – right?

So when we invoke a method from any of the additional interfaces the only target we have is the proxy itself, and that’s what is passed to the invocation. Then, since no interceptor changed the target, when we invoke the method on target, we invoke it on the proxy itself which starts the vicious circle again.

So you still need an interceptor, to do either one of two things to break the circle:

  • Swap the target of an invocation with some other object that implements it.
  • Not call invocation.Proceed() and handle the invocation for itself.

Notice that if you want to go with option nr 1 you can grab the target object passed to the method creating the proxy (using IProxyTargetAccessor) and after making sure it implements the interface at hand, setting it as the target of the invocation.


Although on the surface it seems like a very simple feature there is quite a lot to learn about additional interfaces. However they are pretty powerful and well worth the learning effort. Although I didn’t provide any specific scenario for today (sorry, I don’t feel very creative right now) there are plenty places you could use this feature (throwing INotifyPropertyChanged on top of your domain model seems to be one of the most popular and useful).

Castle Windsor 2.0 is out

As I hinted in my previous post, here comes another release from Castle Land. This time it’s Castle Windsor, No more – “we’ll not use a two year old prerelease software.”.

Ayende has all the details, so I’ll just say that if you’re still using RC3 there’s a lot of new good stuff waiting for you.

Congratulation to Ayende and the whole Castle Team.

Grab the bits here.

Castle Dynamic Proxy 2.1 is out

Final version of Castle Dynamic Proxy 2.1 is officially released as of today. For the announcement see Jonathon’s blog. This is the first release since the split of monolithic Castle Project into independent projects.

It also opens a way for all other projects depending on Dynamic Proxy to get a release (some of them will be released very soon).

Also I want to remind you of Castle UserVoice site, where you can suggest features and improvements you’d like to see in the next version. Not only for DynamicProxy, but for any project under Castle umbrella.

You can get the bits here.

And last but not least – my Dynamic Proxy Tutorial is 100% compatible with this version, so if you want to improve your skills, learn how to use different features that are there, you can use this as unofficial documentation, since the official one is still in the works.

WCF client proxy with Castle Dynamic Proxy

I’ve been doing a lot of work with WCF lately. It’s a great framework, and I really like it, but it has its drawbacks. First of all, it is overly complicated in certain places (security!), which makes it really hard to use sometimes. Its sheer size, makes it also hard to grasp. It has a lot of extensions points but the fact that you have to plug into them yourself adds to that complexity. It simply begs for good IoC integration.

You can partially alleviate that by using Castle WCF facility that lets you use IoC container to extend WCF, but it’s only half of the story. The other half is, that creators of WCF try very hard (and I mean, really very hard) not to allow you to do anything else than what they allow you to do. This is pretty frustrating at times, when you want to do some advanced things with it.

One such place is creation and usage of client side proxy. WCF, being all about SOAP messages is surprisingly heavily type based in this part, which does not leave you much flexibility here (this can be… hacked, but I’ll write about it in later post).

WCF client side proxies are remoting proxies. They are a thin layer around whole client WCF runtime and invocation pipeline. When you invoke a method on such proxy it gets intercepted by certain classes in WCF, based on the method you called and its parameters (and metadata on your ServiceContract type) a message is created and depending on various factors many other things happen under the cover (it’s pretty similar to how Dynamic Proxy’ interface proxies without target work).  The thing is, since it’s all private sealed and internal, you can’t really control any of it.

These two factors (strong coupling to CLR types and internal paranoia) made it very challenging when working on a feature I wanted to add to Castle WCF Facility – ability to invoke proxy methods asynchronously.


If you’re scratching your head thinking it’s hardly a new feature since you can do it already, let me explain you what I mean. Sure, you can select Generate asynchronous operations if you’re generating code for proxy, but this approach has some drawbacks. First of all, it uses code generation. Every time you change something you have to regenerate the code. Not to mention that this code is ugly as November night. The preferred approach is to factor out you contracts to separate assembly and to reuse them for both server and client (yes, this works only if both client and server use WCF).

In this case however you don’t get async methods. Turns out, you can do it without generated proxies, you have to create an async version of your interface though, and keep it in sync with the synchronous version. This is better since you control the code, you can use inheritance, it’s more compact than the generated version. You still have to create and maintain a type to satisfy weird desire of WCF to have types where type is not really needed.

Well, here’s a teaser for you:


I’ll blog about specifics of how the async stuff itself works in later post. Now I’ll explain how I got proxying stuff working. It’s also noteworthy that I did all that with public API only, no reflection, no IL generation – pure documented public API, which hopefully will pay back in this solution being quite stable.

To create the proxy, without codegen you use ChannelFactory<T> class, and its CreateChannel method. The method is virtual, so you can inherit from the class and get a chance to play with the proxy it creates before it’s passed the the caller.

Considering how remoting proxies are built, they consist of two parts: transparent proxy which is pure magic, and RealProxy which is just a normal CLR class. Drawing analogies to Dynamic Proxy library, RealProxy creates something similar to IInvocation, and passes it to RealProxy which acts as an IInterceptor.

I wanted to get hold of the RealProxy and swap transparent proxy with proxy generated by Dynamic Proxy. I also needed an adapter that would convert IInvocation to IMessage, which is what RealProxy uses.

Here’s the code that makes it happen

public override T CreateChannel(EndpointAddress address, Uri via)
    var channel = base.CreateChannel(address,via);
    IHasRealProxy proxy = new RealProxyWrapper(RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(channel));
    WCFInterceptor wcfInterceptor;
    ProxyGenerationOptions options = GetOptions(proxy, out wcfInterceptor);
    var target = _generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget(typeof(T), new[] { typeof(IEndAsyncCall) }, options, wcfInterceptor);
    return target as T;

Having transparent proxy, I use RemotingServices.GetRealProxy method to get its underlying RealProxy implementation. I then wrap the real proxy in Castle’s dynamic proxy and return it instead.

This may sound like it’s not a big deal but it has two significant implications: The whole operation is transparent to the RealProxy, the whole runtime underneath it, and the caller. Another thing – now you’re in control of the proxy. You can get into the execution pipeline and do the usual stuff dynamic proxy lets you do.

This is huge. This is what ultimately enables the async calls without having async type, which I’ll write about as soon as I clean up the code, which is now a mess. The code will probably get published as part of Castle WCF facility at some point later in time.

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Castle Dynamic Proxy tutorial part X: Interface proxies with target interface

This is part ten of my tutorial on Castle Dynamic Proxy.

The three kinds of proxies we talked about so far (class proxy, interface proxy with and without target) are the only kinds of proxies most users will ever use. There is however one more kind – interface proxies with target interface.

When I say most users will never use it, by most I mean roughly 99%. I, personally haven’t used it. Whole Castle project stack uses it in only one place that I know of – WCF facility. This proxy kind is used in really rare cases, and you can feel free to skip reading this part, because you probably won’t need information provided here anyway.

For those two of you who decided to go along anyway, here’s the explanation of what it is, and how it’s different from the other kinds. As you might infer from the name, it’s quite similar to interface proxy with target. It’s basically different in one important way: it lets you swap target of invocation for a different implementation of the target interface. Let’s look at an example to clear things up a little bit.

Let’s say we have an application that saves some stuff into some storage. We have our primary storage that we want to use most of the time, but when it for some reason is down, we want to use a secondary storage. For example we have a database on a remote server, but when it’s down we want to use an in memory database.

Anyway, in our trivialized example tests might look like this:

public class Tests
    private PrimaryStorage _primaryStorage;
    private SecondaryStorage _secondaryStorage;
    private StorageFactory _sut;
    public Tests()
        _primaryStorage = new PrimaryStorage {IsUp = true};
        _sut = new StorageFactory(_primaryStorage);
        _secondaryStorage = new SecondaryStorage();
        _sut.SecondaryStorage = _secondaryStorage;
    public void Save_should_use_primaryStorage_when_it_is_up()
        IStorage storage = _sut.GetStorage();
        string message = "message";
        Assert.Equal(message, _primaryStorage.Items.First());
    public void Save_should_use_secondaryStorage_when_primaryStorage_is_down()
        _primaryStorage.IsUp = false;
        IStorage storage = _sut.GetStorage();
        string message = "message";
        Assert.Equal(message, _secondaryStorage.Items.First());
    public void Save_should_go_back_to_primaryStorage_when_is_goes_from_down_to_up()
        IStorage storage = _sut.GetStorage();
        string message1 = "message1";
        string message2 = "message2";
        string message3 = "message3";
        _primaryStorage.IsUp = false;
        _primaryStorage.IsUp = true;
        IList<object> primary = _primaryStorage.Items;
        IList<object> secondary = _secondaryStorage.Items;
        Assert.Equal(2, primary.Count);
        Assert.Equal(1, secondary.Count);
        Assert.Contains(message1, primary);
        Assert.Contains(message3, primary);
        Assert.Contains(message2, secondary);

In the tests StorageFactory class is the class that encapsulates the proxying logic, and PrimaryStorage and SecondaryStorage are just sample implementation of the IStorage interface. The interface is as simple as it can get:

public interface IStorage
    void Save(object data);

The implementation are also very slim for the purpose of the example. SecondaryStorage stores the messages in the list, and exposes it for the tests as a property:

public class SecondaryStorage : IStorage
    private IList<object> _items = new List<object>();
    public IList<object> Items
        get { return _items; }
    public void Save(object data)

PrimaryStorage additionally has IsUp property that we’ll use to determine whether it’s good to use, or not. In the later case we save to the secondary storage, as can be seen in the tests.

public class PrimaryStorage : IStorage
    private IList<object> _items = new List<object>();
    public IList<object> Items
        get { return _items; }
    public bool IsUp { get; set; }
    public void Save(object data)

So far we haven’t seen anything interesting. The tests, provided they pass, which they do with our final implementation, clearly show that indeed when IsUp property of primary storage is false, messages get saved to the secondary storage. If we look at StorageFactory, we’ll see that there is nothing we haven’t seen before in this tutorial. Obviously it creates the proxy using method we haven’t used before, but except for that, this is all pretty standard stuff.

public class StorageFactory
    private readonly IStorage _primaryStorage;
    private ProxyGenerator _generator;
    public StorageFactory(IStorage primaryStorage)
        _primaryStorage = primaryStorage;
        _generator = new ProxyGenerator();
    public IStorage SecondaryStorage { private get; set; }
    public IStorage GetStorage()
        var interceptor = new StorageInterceptor(SecondaryStorage);
        object storage = _generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTargetInterface(typeof(IStorage), _primaryStorage, interceptor);
        return storage as IStorage;

The really interesting stuff happens in StorageInterceptor class.

public class StorageInterceptor : IInterceptor
    private readonly IStorage _secondaryStorage;
    public StorageInterceptor(IStorage secondaryStorage)
        _secondaryStorage = secondaryStorage;
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        var primaryStorage = invocation.InvocationTarget as PrimaryStorage;
        if (primaryStorage.IsUp == false)
    private void ChangeToSecondaryStorage(IInvocation invocation)
        var changeProxyTarget = invocation as IChangeProxyTarget;

Here you can see how the target substitution is achieved. For interface proxies with target interface invocations implement additional interface – IChangeProxyTarget. This is true for only this kind of proxies. The interface is very simple – it has only one method:


The signature sais it accepts System.Object instances, but in reality the new target must be an implementer of target interface of the proxy (hence proxy with target interface). The fact that it’s exposed by invocation object and the way it’s integrated into the pipeline has few interesting implications.

First, you can change the target for that invocation, not for the whole proxy. This is important, not so obvious fact. Even if you change the target, it will be only for that one invocation of this one method. Next time the method (or any other method) gets invoked it will be the original target that you’ll receive as the target of invocation, not the one you set last time.

Second, this design makes the switch operation completely transparent to everybody else. Proxy object has no idea anything changed, because it does not affect it in any way. invocation object does not care about it. Any interceptor that is after the current one in the invocation pipeline will have no idea (unless, of course you notify it in some other way) that the object it receives as target of invocation is not the one set originally.

If you do want to leverage this feature, consider putting the interceptor that may change the target in front of the pipeline (unless in your scenario other approach makes more sense). This will help you avoid cases where you waste cycles doing some work on a target that gets discarded, and then other interceptors get target object that is not fully compliant with rules you set. For example if you have three interceptors in the pipeline: first one performs low level validation (not null etc), second one swaps target and the third one does logging, the third one may work with assumption, that target object has been validated and assume it is valid, which may not be the case if target object was swapped by the second interceptor, in which case the first interceptor will not get the chance to validate it.

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UserVoice site for Castle Project – get involved

UserVoice is a very nice Web 2.0-ish web application, where users of different projects can speak their mind about projects in question. I like it for its clear interface, readability, and very low friction. Users can suggest improvements to projects, comment and vote on other suggestions. Project owners can give feedback to users, and official responses to suggestions. Some projects I use often like AnkhSvn, and StackOverflow use it as an official channel of feedback, and it seems to work very well.

I thought Castle Project could use that too, so few days ago I created a site for Castle Project. It’s not official (yet) but some committers registered there, and you can be sure they do listen to your feedback.

So if you do use Castle project, consider or plan to use it get involved. If you have a feature you would like to see in Castle, get involved. If you think something should be changed, have an idea for some improvements – get involved! As projects are approaching release dates (yes – they are, some will be released very soon), team is looking for ideas for next versions – let them hear you – get involved!

Oh, and if you want to get involved, the site is here.

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Convention based Dependency Injection with Castle MicroKernel/Windsor


Consider the following piece of code (it shows Castle MicroKernel, but since Windsor is built on top of MicroKernel, it works the same way):

IKernel kernel = new DefaultKernel();
kernel.AddComponent("sms", typeof(IAlarmSender), typeof(SmsSender));
kernel.AddComponent("email", typeof(IAlarmSender), typeof(EmailSender));
kernel.AddComponent("generator", typeof(AlarmGenerator));
AlarmGenerator gen = (AlarmGenerator) kernel["generator"];

Considering AlarmGenerator has a dependency on IAlarmSender, which one of two registered components will it get?

The answer is: the first one.

In this case we registered SmsSender first, so it will get injected. If we switched the order of registration, EmailSender would get injected. It does not matter if you specify a name when registering or not.

I don’t know how other containers handle this problem, but this approach in general is as good as any (and by any I mean any other than ‘throw new IDontKnowWhatToDoException()’).

That was easy, wasn’t it?

Now, let’s get to another one. We have a class:

public class Person
 public Person( IClock leftHandClock )
  this.LeftHandClock = leftHandClock;
 public IClock LeftHandClock { get; private set; }
 public IClock RightHandClock { get; set; }

An interface, and two implementing types:

public interface IClock{}
public class IsraelClock : IClock{}
public class WorldClock : IClock{}

Then, if we register these like this:

IWindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer().
    AddComponent<IClock, WorldClock>( "leftHandClock" ).
    AddComponent<IClock, IsraelClock>( "rightHandClock" ).
var joe = container.Resolve<Person>();

What watches will our Joe wear on each hand?

The answer is: the first one. Again.

So in this case Joe will have a WorldClock on both wrists (the same instance to be exact since components in MicroKernel are singletons by default, but that’s besides the point).


That’s not that intuitive is it? I mean, you could certainly make it work that way, but that would require you to configure the container for it. This however seems like a perfect place to utilize a Convention Over Configuration approach.

I got this idea yesterday and decided to try to implement it in MicroKernel. I also tweeted about it, and Philip Laureano (author of LinFu, and recently Hiro) and Nate Kohari (author of NInject… and recently NInject2) seem to like that idea.

So here’s my initial naive take at it.


Luckily, thanks to wonderful extensibility of Castle you don’t have to modify the container itself. All you need to do is to extend it, with custom SubDependencyResolver. Here’s my initial naive implementation, which I did in couple of minutes, as a proof of concept.

public class ConventionBasedResolver : ISubDependencyResolver
    private IKernel _kernel;
    private IDictionary<DependencyModel, string> _knownDependencies = new Dictionary<DependencyModel, string>();
    public ConventionBasedResolver( IKernel kernel )
        if( kernel == null )
            throw new ArgumentNullException( "kernel" );
        this._kernel = kernel;
    public object Resolve(CreationContext context, ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver, ComponentModel model, DependencyModel dependency)
        string componentName;
        if (!this._knownDependencies.TryGetValue(dependency, out componentName))
            componentName = dependency.DependencyKey;
        return _kernel.Resolve(componentName, dependency.TargetType);
    public bool CanResolve(CreationContext context, ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver, ComponentModel model, DependencyModel dependency)
        if (this._knownDependencies.ContainsKey(dependency))
            return true;
        var handlers = this._kernel.GetHandlers(dependency.TargetType );
        //if there's just one, we're not interested.
            return false;
        foreach( var handler in handlers )
            if( IsMatch( handler.ComponentModel, dependency ) && handler.CurrentState == HandlerState.Valid )
                if( !handler.ComponentModel.Name.Equals( dependency.DependencyKey, StringComparison.Ordinal ) )
                    this._knownDependencies.Add( dependency, handler.ComponentModel.Name );
                return true;
        return false;
    private bool IsMatch( ComponentModel model, DependencyModel dependency )
        return dependency.DependencyKey.Equals( model.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase );

Now, we need to add the sub resolver to the container:

container.Kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver( new ConventionBasedResolver( container.Kernel ) );

And we’re done.

Wrapping up

We now have basic convention based injection of both properties as well as constructor parameters. With a little bit of work we might extend it a further to provide pluggable conventions.

For example matching by namespace (prefer close neighbors), by name (for service IFoo, first try to find if Foo is available, then try DefaultFoo, then FooImpl) or any other. The possibilities are endless.

If you have any ideas on how to extend or best use this approach, leave a comment.

Meffing with Castle Windsor

Patrik Hägne has an interesting post on removing compile time dependencies between assemblies, while still reaping benefits of using fluent interfaces to bootstrap AutoFac container (go read it, I’m not going to reiterate what Patrick wrote) using MEF.

It inspired me to do similar thing for Castle Winsor.


I created a simple solution with 3 project. One is the main application entry, which also holds a MefInstaller which we’ll talk about in a second. Second one: Services, contains interfaces that our application rely on. Impl contains implementation of these interfaces. Pretty simple huh?

The important thing is the tree of dependencies:


Notice that there’s no hard dependency on Impl module.

IBar and IFoo along with their implementation are pretty trivial and not really worth showing. Two interesting classes are MefInstaller and ModuleInstaller.

public class MefInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
    public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
        // NOTE: directory could come from configuration, or any other place
        var directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
        var compositionContainer = new CompositionContainer(new DirectoryCatalog(directory));
        var installers = compositionContainer.GetExportedObjects<IWindsorInstaller>("ComponentInstaller");
        foreach(var installer in installers)
            installer.Install(container, store);

Castle Windsor exposes a IWindsorInstaller interface that you can use to batch register whole subsystems or modules with the container. In this case MefInstaller acts as a dynamic composite, which using MEF gathers all IWindsorInstallers that export themselves as “ComponentInstaller” (it’s just a convention I came up with here, this is not mandatory, and doesn’t have any deeper meaning), and then installs them with the container.

public class ModuleInstaller:IWindsorInstaller
    public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
        container.AddComponent<IFoo, DefaultFoo>("foo");
        container.AddComponent<IBar, BarImpl>("bar");

ModuleInstaller is just one such installer, which registers services implemented in its module.

Now the actual bootstrapping is really simple:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var container = BootstrapContainer();
        var app = container.Resolve<MyApp>("app");
    private static IWindsorContainer BootstrapContainer()
        var container = new WindsorContainer();
        container.Install(new MefInstaller());
        return container;

BootstrapContainer runs the MefInstaller, and registers MyApp class, which is the main class in our application. Then the class is requested from the container, and a method is invoked on its instance.

The class itself is trivial. What is interesting, is that it has dependencies on two services we defined: IFoo and IBar. Just for kicks, I defined one as constructor dependency, and one as property dependency.

public class MyApp
    private readonly IFoo _foo;
    public IBar Bar { get; set; }
    public MyApp(IFoo foo)
        _foo = foo;
    public void Run()
        Console.WriteLine("My Foo: {0}", _foo.Foo());
        Console.WriteLine("My Bar: {0}", Bar.Bar());

Now, when we compile the application, and copy MeffingWithCode.Impl.dll to the output directory, because it’s not statically linked to the other assemblies, and run it, we’ll see that MEF does indeed pick up our missing dependencies, so that we don’t get NullReferenceException.

With this we get best of both worlds: We get flexibility of XML configuration (without being prone to typing mistakes), and strongly typed, refactoring friendly registration (without static linking between assemblies).


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